Courses offered
- Basic Technician Certificate in Law (NTA Level 4)
- Technician Certificate in Law (NTA Level 5)
- Ordinary Diploma in Law (NTA Level 6)
- Basic Technician Certificate in Psychology and Counseling (NTA Level 4)
- Technician Certificate in Psychology and Counseling (NTA Level 5)
- Ordinary Diploma in Psychology and Counseling (NTA Level 6)
- Basic Technician Certificate in Community Development (NTA Level 4)
- Technician Certificate in Community Development (NTA Level 5)
- Ordinary Diploma in Community Development (NTA Level 6)

Mode of Application
Individuals who wish to join the SOCAITE should channel their applications for admission to the various programmes through the SOCAITE Admission System between January and February (For March intake) and between May and September (for October/November intake) of the year for the programmes beginning in the coming academic year.
Application fee for academic year 2020/ is TZS 20,000/= which shall be paid through Institute Bank Account at CRDB Bank Account name SONGEA CATHOLIC INSTITUTE OF TECHNICAL EDUCATION Account number 0150465987200 or as described on the Institute website.